On of the most painful (at least IMHO) things to create in LaTeX are complex or big tables. It is easier to make them in a spreadsheet software (Libreoffice Calc, MS Excel or even Word) and export them as PDFs (either File->Export as PDF, File->Save as or using PDFCreator). It is possible to insert PDFs as images in figure environment like this:
\caption{Similarities and overlap between the two PIM frameworks}
However, this caption starts with the word "Image X: …" while I want to have a caption stating with "Table X: …".
It is possible to insert a PDF in a table environment as well like this:
\caption{A table}
If a PDF needs to be cropped you can do it like this:
%left, bottom, right, top \includegraphics[width=0.85\textwidth, clip=true, trim=0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm]
You might also need the following package:
QuickTime 7 had this great feature of merging two videos together just by dragging a video file from the Finder to another QuickTime video. Unfortunately this is not possible in QuicTime X. But I still wanted to do it without installing additional softwar
So helpful!!! Thanks a lot maan
Very interesting video here ! Thanks