No cycles in the middle of campus

I’m still wondering why this sign post has been placed in the middle of the campus (and in the "wrong" direction). The campus has a circle road around it and cars have no access to the inner side (see map) which separates vehicle traffic and pedestrians pathways. The central pathway called is going from south to north and is particularly designed for disabled (no stairs and where there are stairs the lifts are available). Leaving the campus towards the south (see arrow on the map) there is a post allowing wheelchairs to leave the campus. What about cyclist? Do they have to get off the bike to leave the campus? They shouldn’t have cycled there in the first place. 

Maybe locking the bike to this post is not allowed! Any violators will be fined!

Locking the bike to such a post makes it easy to steal it anyway.

Other signs such as this are all around the campus. But are placed on starts of the pathways turned towards those who enter and not those who leave the campus. Maybe this one is here as a reminder. Which would make sense.