Ok, a tap I actually haven’t used, but it looks weird enough to think about the fun and toil moments with it.
"… On top of the frosted ripple
surface sits a metal ball. An array of electromagnetic sensors detects
that ball’s position. Moving the ball in or out from the center controls
water pressure. Moving it around [left hot – right cold] controls temperature.
surface glows red or blue to denote how hot or cold it is. The two
separate channels combine the hot and cold water to get the perfect mix… " Yanko Design – From beyond function, Water Ball Ripples, 27.2.2008
This tap is really nice looking, probably funny to play with and a piece of equipment to show to visitors. But it has some flaws (or disadvantages) as well, so I think not everyone would adopt it:
- the ball seems easy to lose (think of kids … ok and the rest of us) or drop down the drain (look at one on the photo)
- it would be hard to clean water stone from the water canals and also the canals where the ball moves
- handling it with wet (and soapy) hands would leave a mess (not to say this doesn’t happen with every tap, but with the regular tap pouring some water over it would do; with this one the water stays in the canals)
- it cannot fit on an ordinary sink
- not sure if mixing really works as with every tap without an aerator I used so far I had a feeling that water was scolding and freezing my hands at the same time (my own peculiarity)
- it needs electricity as well – so aside a plumber, fitting would need to be done also by an electrician
- it is probably more prone to faults as more complex parts are used
Designer: Smith Newnam & Touch360 Studio"