A list of Document Management Applications (serkancabi)
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List of document and information management, thinking and writing software
Here is a list of software similar to Kognite in the spirit:
Multi Platform
Thinking and organizing
- DEVONthink
- NoteMind
- Yojimbo
- Journler
- NoteBook
- Mori
- SOHO Notes
- KeepNote
- Dossier
- Together
- EagleFiler
- Midnight Inbox
- Tinderbox
- Thoughts]
- OmniOutliner
- Yep
- Papers
- Mendeley
- iPapers
- iKnow & Manage
- NoteTaker
- VoodooPad
- viJournal
- iVerbum
- JournalX
- Boswell
- Selenium
- iData
- iOrganize
- iNotePad
- Mac Notepad
- NoteList
- Notae
- SideNote
- Memoires
- MacJournal
- Paperless
- Notational Velocity
- MacNote
- DocumentWallet
- Process
- MyNote
- MiLife
- Jedit X
- Alepin
- Curio
- Bookends
- Supernotecard
- Records Master
- Bento
(See also http://www.pure-mac.com/pims.html)
(See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_personal_information_managers)
- Scrivener
- Ulysses
- Avenir
- CopyWrite
- Mellel
- Bean
- Lynx
- Diamond
- WriteRoom
- Nisus Writer
- Glass Writer
- Papyrus
- Jer's Novel Writer
- Z-Write
- Pages
- Word
- Ultra Recall
- myBase
- Zoot
- KeepNote
- Mendeley
- The Guide
- The Journal
- Quosa
- NotaBene
- KnowledgeWorkshop
- WhizFolders
- Action Outline
- BrainStorm
- GoBinder
- TreePad
- askSam
- MyInfo
- ConnectedText
- EasyNoter
- CUEcards
- Onfolio
- Paperport
- myInfoSafe
- OneNote
- Debrief
(See also http://basket.openusability.org/wiki/index.php/Other_note-taking_applications)
another one http://www.primeobjects.comPrimeObjects[/p/kognite/w/edit/PrimeObjects ?] Personal Information Management
=Orfeo/GPL http://www.orfeogpl.org is the most popular and robust software for Enterprise Document Managment in Colombia, Ecuador and other countries. I Suppose than you can include in this list, is a 100 % Web Software avaible in gnu/linux, BSD, OpenSolaris[/p/kognite/w/edit/OpenSolaris ?], and Windows.
Please add "Vault 3" to the list, it runs on 32 and 64-bit Windows and 32 and 64-bit Linux (http://www.ericbt.com/Vault3).